Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w. : "Barang siapa yang membaca surah Al-Waqi'ah setiap malam maka dia tidak akan tertimpa kefakiran dan kemiskinan selamanya. Dan surah Al-Waqi'ah adalah surah kekayaan, maka bacalah ia dan ajarkan kepada anak-anakmu semua."
By Jitesh Arora
Who does not want a fair skin? Who does not like to make their skin glow? Who does not want to look attractive? Not me, of course. And I am sure that you too crave for healthy and glowing skin. Our body cells contain a substance called glutathione which keeps the skin healthy and fair. But our pre...sent day food habits and hectic lifestyles prevent us from taking healthy natural foods like vegetables which are rich in this compound. Again, the ability of our body to retain glutathione diminishes greatly with age.
So what could be done to preserve the health of our skin for longer periods? Of course induce more glutathione through supplements. You can buy these skin whitening pills from any pharmaceutical shop or online store and use them safely.
Researchers have split hairs on how this compound aids in cleansing our skin. Their findings have been interesting as well as astonishing. It is made up of three essential amino acids and vitamin C, and acts as a superb anti-oxidant and anti-ageing supplement. Another find was that most people suffering from serious ailments like Parkinson's disease and cancers had very low levels of glutathione in their body cells.
This compound helps our body fight harmful influences of pollution, scratches, burns etc on our skin. Not only does it give us immunity, but also helps in skin whitening. Regular intake of these supplements has been found to bring in astounding results in the field of skin whitening.
There were a fair bit of skeptics who could not be convinced. But the glowing skin of our celebrities proclaims the effectiveness of these skin whitening pills to a great extent. Now more and more people are coming around the view that supplement pills are actually good not only for our skin health and color, but for the overall defensive mechanism of our body as well.
It has been increasingly proved that glutathione provides the skin a light and flawless complexion. Most artificial skin whitening agents are harmful and destructive in the long run. Some of these just change the color by bleaching, which results in early ageing and creation of wrinkles. But glutathione fights discoloration and pollution in a natural and effective way. Your skin would turn white with continued use of the pill, but it does not affect your skin health and cell life adversely.
A lustrous skin is the dream of everyone. This situation has been exploited by many people and made huge fortunes by selling spurious skin whitening products like creams, potions and the likes. The field had become a contradictory and confusing field due the presence of hundreds of different products claiming to be the ultimate in skin whitening. But now the situation has changed for the better with the advent of skin whitening tablets. Now you can safely prop these pills and rest assured that only positive results would come about. These pills are not prohibitively expensive, nor are they difficult to use.
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More article on Glutahione go to
Beauty Basics: Threading Eyebrows
A cataract is a painless but annoying cloudiness of the lens of the eye. If left untreated, cataracts will cause vision problems. More than 50 percent of Americans aged 80 and older have had a cataract. Though many factors may play a role in the development of a cataract, there are some things you can do that might help you avoid getting one.
1 Protect your eyes when out in bright sunlight. Wear sunglasses that block strong ultraviolet (UV) rays or a wide-brimmed hat that will shade your eyes from the sun.
2 Stop smoking. A strong link between smoking and the development of cataracts has been established. If you're a smoker, smoking cessation will decrease your chances of getting a cataract.
3 Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. The proper intake of some vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, has shown to help avoid getting a cataract. Try to get six servings of fruits and vegetables throughout the day.
4 Manage your diabetes, if you suffer from this disease. Diabetes can cause eye problems, including the development of cataracts. Keeping your diabetes under control can help you avoid getting a cataract if you are diabetic.
5 Get a thorough eye examination regularly. Cataract development may be detected early and avoided. For those 60 years of age and over, a comprehensive eye exam should be conducted every year.
Tips & Warnings
Choose green leafy vegetables when you increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. Green leafy vegetables contain the highest amounts of antioxidants believed to help avoid getting a cataract.
Add foods that contain B vitamins and carotenoids to decrease your risk of getting a cataract. Dairy and grains are rich in B vitamins, and carrots, tomatoes, sweet potatoes and pumpkin are great sources of carotenoids (such as beta carotene).
Jika anda memiliki wajah yang kasar, jangan cepat putus asa. Cubalah petua ini:-
PETUA 1: Campurkan sedikit tepung pulut dengan sedikit air. Sapukan pada muka sebelum tidur. Keesokkannya cuci muka dengan air suam. Amalkan seminggu sekali.
PETUA 2: Campurkan satu sudu besar madu lebah dengan satu sudu besar susu tepung. Sapukan pada seluruh muka dan biarkan sebentar. Kemudian basuh muka dengan air suam. Amalkan dua kali seminggu.
PETUA 3: Campurkan bedak sejuk, asam jawa, serbuk kunyit serta sedikit air. Sapu dan gosok perlahan-lahan pada muka selama beberapa minit sebelum mandi. Kemudian cuci dengan air suam. Lakukan setiap hari.
PETUA 4: Giling tiga sudu besar kacang hijau. Campurkan dengan sedikit air. Sapukan pada muka dan bairkan kering. Cuci dengan bersih.
PETUA 5: Gosokkan serbuk teh yang telah digunakan ke muka. Biarkan selama 3 minit sebelum dicuci dengan air suam.
PETUA 6: Kisar dua biji buah tomato, gula dan air. Tapiskan dan minum air setiap pagi. Lakukan selalu sehingga kulit muka kelihatan licin.
Setiap kali mandi, gosokkan tawas pada muka. Lakukan setiap pagi atau malam. Muka anda akan menjadi halus.
Bibir cantik selalu diidamkan oleh setiap wanita. Berikut ini adalah tips merawat bibir agar sentiasa cantik....
1)Ketika memilih lipstick, lakukan ujian di tangan sebelum memakainya di bibir. Pilihlah lipstick yang tidak menyebabkan iritasi kulit.
2)Minum banyak air (sekurang-kurangnya 2 liter sehari) untuk mencegah dehidrasi yang boleh menyebabkan bibir menjadi kering dan pecah-pecah.
3)Gunakan lipstick yang mengandungi vitamin C, E dan A dan juga makan sayuran dan buah-buahan yang mengandungi vitamin C (seperti orange, manga, betik, kiwi, anggur dan lain-lain ref:
4)Untuk mencegah bibir hitam dan kering, elakkan dari merokok dan mengambil alkhohol.
5)Jadikan rutin melakukan scrub atau pengelupasan bibir dengan menggunakan berus lembut atau skrub bibir).
PETUA 1: Bersihkan muka | Kemudian cuci dengan air kelapa tua | Biarkan ia kering sendiri. Kemudian bilas dengan air bersih (amalkan tiga kali seminggu)Setelah muka dibersihkan, tutup muka dengan kain tuala yang lembab | Dekatkan muka ke wap nasi atau air panas selama lima minit (ulangi beberapa minit) | Kemudian pakai penyegar muka. Sejukkan sedikit kanji nasi | Sapukan pada jerawat dan biarkan ia kering di muka | Kemudian cuci dengan air suam (amalkan setiap hari hingga jerawat berkurangan)
PETUA 2: Jika jerawat masih sukar hilang, rebus beberapa helai daun teh warna hijau - ketika suam, lekatkan pada jerawat dan biarkan sehingga ianya kering.
PETUA 3: Tumbuk segenggam bunga melur bersama sedikit air hingga lumat - sapukan ke muka dan biarkan kering - kemudian cuci dengan air kelapa muda. Basuh muka dengan air basuhan beras. Setelah kering, cuci dengan air bersih. Amalkan selalu.
PETUA 4: Rendam segenggam beras hingga kembang. Toskan airnya. Tumbuk beras ini bersama segenggam biji betik muda hingga lumat. Campurkan dengan sedikit air. Gentelkan kecil-kecil dan jemur hingga kering. Apabila hendak memakainya, bancuh dengan air dan tempelkan di muka.
PETUA 5: Hancurkan beberapa helai daun pucuk jambu batu. Campurkan dengan bedak sejuk. Tempelkan di muka sebelum tidur. Amalkan setiap hari.
PETUA 1: Tumbuk beberapa helai daun jambu batu hingga lumat. Bancuh dengan air suam. Apabila sejuk, sapu pada muka. Lakukan setiap malam.
PETUA 2: Campurkan sedikit bedak sejuk dan beberapa titik air limau nipis. Bancuhkan bersama sedikit air kemudian sapukan ke muka. Kulit akan terasa pedih sedikit. Amalkan dalam masa seminggu untuk melihat perubahannya.