Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Pregnancy Exercises during First Trimester: Arms and Back Workout with Elastic Band

Pregnancy Exercises for Labor: Exercise Yoga during Pregnancy

5 Ways to Look Great During Pregnancy

Try these tips to help you look your best during every trimester of your pregnancy.

1. Keep it simple. Don't overaccessorize or overdo your outfits when you're pregnant -- the focus should be on your radiant glow! Stick to clean, simple lines and classic cuts. Don't wear large or busy patterns that overwhelm your curvy frame. Instead, opt for solid colors and add a patterned scarf or fun jewelry for interest.

2. Accentuate the positive. One of the best side effects of pregnancy is an accentuated -- or for some women a newfound -- voluptuousness. Dare to wear a slightly lower neckline than usual, or a blouse that clings. Take pride in your beautiful pregnant body.

3. Revolutionalize your hair. Try a new hairstyle to go with your new body. If you have long hair, you may opt to cut it short. It will be easier to care for and will draw attention to your eyes and face. If you've got short or medium hair, try growing it out so you can experiment with fun upsweeps, braiding, combs, and hair clips.

4. Improve your posture. With all the changes in weight and gravity your body is going through, you may develop a bit of a slouch as your pregnancy progresses. Avoid the tendency to push your hips far forward and slouch your shoulders, or to stick your belly out and throw your shoulders back as you walk. These postures can cause back strain. Instead, keep your hips and shoulders in line as you walk, and keep your back straight by tucking a pillow behind you when you sit.

5. Nurture the radiance. Moisturize daily and gently exfoliate your skin once or twice a week to keep your skin glowing and smooth. Protect your skin now more than ever from the sun's harmful rays by using a gentle sunscreen on your face and all exposed body parts whenever you'll be out in the sun.

All content here, including advice from doctors and other health professionals, should be considered as opinion only. Always seek the direct advice of your own doctor in connection with any questions or issues you may have regarding your own health or the health of others.

What do you think of this story

SOURCE: http://www.parents.com/pregnancy/my-life/beauty/look-great-during-pregnancy


Laroscorbine Platinium (Roche)-Vitamin C + Collagen @ RM200

PROMO PRICE - 2 boxes @ RM380, 3 boxes @ RM550

ROCHE Laroscorbine Platinum has 0.35g Collagen combined with Vitamin C to supplement your skin’s needs of collagen, resulting to a more youthful, wrinkle free, healthier and beautiful YOU.

Laroscorbine Platinum improves skin complexion, prevents skin from wrinkles, moisturizes,skin are firmer, healthier, and glowing. It also prevents scurvy and sinusitis, maintains collagen, protects glutathione from beng oxidized and it boost the effects of glutathione.

Manufactured by: ROCHE, Italy

Product Description: 1 box contains Laroscorbine Vitamin C + Collagen contains 10 x 1g/5ml Vitamin C and 0.35mg Collagen.

1) The basic functions of Vitamin C
2) Collagen is a fibrous protein, important in supporting tissues, skin, organ, tendons, ligaments and etc.
3) As replenishment where collagen reduces when aged
4) Reduces fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation and minor scars
5) Maintains the production of cartilage and joints
6) Improve elasticity of skin, makes more supple and moisture

Application Method: I.V. (intravenous)

Recommended 1 ampoule weekly for the first box and 1 ampoule every 2 weeks for the second box.

What does skin need to look healthy? Youthful?
It needs moisture, nutrients, and most of all, collagen. Scientists now know that without it, skin becomes dry, wrinkled, furrowed and dull.

Collagen is a primary component of a healthy skin , yet it is a large molecule that is difficult to deliver through topical application. Most skin creams only feed the skin smaller molecules, such as partial proteins, hydrolyzed collagen (smashed up collagen molecules), vitamins and minerals.

Until now, many people turned to doctors to restore collagen with direct injections.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Beauty Basics: Threading Eyebrows


saya rasa ianya menarik, jom tengok http://www.ippho.com/89/7-keajaiban-rezeki

Zikir Munajat (oleh ustaz Badrul Amin)


By Jitesh Arora

Who does not want a fair skin? Who does not like to make their skin glow? Who does not want to look attractive? Not me, of course. And I am sure that you too crave for healthy and glowing skin. Our body cells contain a substance called glutathione which keeps the skin healthy and fair. But our pre...sent day food habits and hectic lifestyles prevent us from taking healthy natural foods like vegetables which are rich in this compound. Again, the ability of our body to retain glutathione diminishes greatly with age.

So what could be done to preserve the health of our skin for longer periods? Of course induce more glutathione through supplements. You can buy these skin whitening pills from any pharmaceutical shop or online store and use them safely.

Researchers have split hairs on how this compound aids in cleansing our skin. Their findings have been interesting as well as astonishing. It is made up of three essential amino acids and vitamin C, and acts as a superb anti-oxidant and anti-ageing supplement. Another find was that most people suffering from serious ailments like Parkinson's disease and cancers had very low levels of glutathione in their body cells.

This compound helps our body fight harmful influences of pollution, scratches, burns etc on our skin. Not only does it give us immunity, but also helps in skin whitening. Regular intake of these supplements has been found to bring in astounding results in the field of skin whitening.

There were a fair bit of skeptics who could not be convinced. But the glowing skin of our celebrities proclaims the effectiveness of these skin whitening pills to a great extent. Now more and more people are coming around the view that supplement pills are actually good not only for our skin health and color, but for the overall defensive mechanism of our body as well.

It has been increasingly proved that glutathione provides the skin a light and flawless complexion. Most artificial skin whitening agents are harmful and destructive in the long run. Some of these just change the color by bleaching, which results in early ageing and creation of wrinkles. But glutathione fights discoloration and pollution in a natural and effective way. Your skin would turn white with continued use of the pill, but it does not affect your skin health and cell life adversely.

A lustrous skin is the dream of everyone. This situation has been exploited by many people and made huge fortunes by selling spurious skin whitening products like creams, potions and the likes. The field had become a contradictory and confusing field due the presence of hundreds of different products claiming to be the ultimate in skin whitening. But now the situation has changed for the better with the advent of skin whitening tablets. Now you can safely prop these pills and rest assured that only positive results would come about. These pills are not prohibitively expensive, nor are they difficult to use.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2375084
More article on Glutahione go to http://ezinearticles.com/search/?q=glutathione&scat=All+Categories&expert=Jitesh+Arora&mtype=all&sopt=titlebody&wordopt&wordcount

Saturday, November 12, 2011


PAKAIAN DALAM PEMBENTUKAN BADAN PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL membentuk kontur keseluruhan badan yang menarik, bentuk badan yang sihat dan seimbang. Memberikan kesan secara serta merta dengan selamat tanpa memerlukan pengambilan ubat, melakukan pembedahan dan senaman.

Kelebihan kualiti kain Premium Beautiful :
(1) Rekabentuk stereoskopik sinar infra merah jauh yang berdasarkan potongan rangka badan manusia. Ia berfungsi mendorong peredaran darah dan proses metabolisme.
(2) Kuasa serapan yang baik, sesuai untuk dipakai seharian, pakaian dalam yang boleh dicuci dan tahan lama.
(3) Kuasa regangan dalam semua hala. Dapat diregang secara 360 darjah mengikut pergerakan badan tanpa mengubahkan rekabentuk asalnya.
(4) Sinar infra merah jauh yang dapat menambahkan kekenyalan dan ketegangan buah dada dan menggiatkan tumbesaran buah dada.

SMS: 0168309171 (on viber) or email: izieradziah@gmail.com

Saturday, November 5, 2011


How to avoid getting cataract
A cataract is a painless but annoying cloudiness of the lens of the eye. If left untreated, cataracts will cause vision problems. More than 50 percent of Americans aged 80 and older have had a cataract. Though many factors may play a role in the development of a cataract, there are some things you can do that might help you avoid getting one.

1 Protect your eyes when out in bright sunlight. Wear sunglasses that block strong ultraviolet (UV) rays or a wide-brimmed hat that will shade your eyes from the sun.

2 Stop smoking. A strong link between smoking and the development of cataracts has been established. If you're a smoker, smoking cessation will decrease your chances of getting a cataract.

3 Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. The proper intake of some vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, has shown to help avoid getting a cataract. Try to get six servings of fruits and vegetables throughout the day.

4 Manage your diabetes, if you suffer from this disease. Diabetes can cause eye problems, including the development of cataracts. Keeping your diabetes under control can help you avoid getting a cataract if you are diabetic.

5 Get a thorough eye examination regularly. Cataract development may be detected early and avoided. For those 60 years of age and over, a comprehensive eye exam should be conducted every year.

Tips & Warnings
Choose green leafy vegetables when you increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. Green leafy vegetables contain the highest amounts of antioxidants believed to help avoid getting a cataract.

Add foods that contain B vitamins and carotenoidsto decrease your risk of getting a cataract. Dairy and grains are rich in B vitamins, and carrots, tomatoes, sweet potatoes and pumpkin are great sources of carotenoids (such as beta carotene).

(SOURCE: http://www.ehow.com/how_2318250_avoid-getting-cataract.html)

How to pick a safe skin whitening cream
Skin brightening or bleaching is becoming popular in recent years to give skin an even look. Typically, products are applied on a discoloration (mole, scar, etc.) with the hope of lightening the region and making the blemish disappear. There are a number of ingredients utilized in skin lightening products. Read on to discover which ingredients are ideal for your skin.

Ascorbic Acid Although vitamin C is safe and is an effective antioxidant, it may not be sufficient alone to lighten your skin. Studies have indicated that in larger concentrations of approximately 5% there could be a skin whitening effect, however, most blemish removal creams will not contain that level of concentration. This should be another ingredient to watch out for but not the active ingredient of the brightening product.

Azelaic Acid Occurring naturally in grains such as rye and wheat, azelaic acid has been used in the management of acne. Newer research indicates a potential for removing skin discoloration and curbing melanin production, which is the pigment found in the skin. Brightening products containing azelaic acid need to be used with a moisturizer and sun block so as not to over dry the skin.

Hydroquinone There is a bit of debate surrounding the use of hydroquinone. Although it is quite effective at inhibiting melanin production and low cost, there are concerns over its safety. Usage of hydroquinone has been banned in some countries because of cancer worries, though some have contended that it is safe in small levels. When selecting a skin bleaching cream, ensure that concentrations don't exceed 2% and think about alternating use with another blemish removal product which doesn't include hydroquinone.

Arbutin Arbutin is a substitute skin lightener that naturally contains hydroquinone which is made from certain berry shrub extracts. It has been proven to successfully hinder melanin generation and brighten the skin. It is a safe and effective ingredient to look for in blemish removal creams.

As with any new product, test the skin bleaching product on a small patch of skin before you go for extensive application. This will help determine whether it causes an allergic reaction with your skin. Natural ingredients are the soundest way to go, and though you might spend more money on the cream, the skin will obtain the light, uniform look you've been after.

When in doubt, you could always see a specialist. This sort of treatment is usually offered by hair removal salons. Remember, however, this will require a particular level of comfort with your body being seen by other people. The benefit of over-the-counter skin brightening products is the privacy provided by making use of it within the comfort of your home.

We are more worried about our appearances than previously and there's sure to be continued interest in bleaching creams geared toward our most delicate areas. Shop smart and enjoy your whitened skin, even if most of us won't ever know about...
Kulit bebas dari jerawat, lebih cerah dan putih berseri dengan Glutax 3G @ RM280

Mempunyai kandungan glutathione yang tertinggi di pasaran. Perbezaan boleh dilihat selepas suntikan pertama*

*Hasilnya bergantung pada metabolisme individu

glutathione 3000mg
ascorbine acid (VitC) 1500mg
alpha lipoic acid 250mg
collagen extract 350mg

Packing : 5 ampoules x 5 vials

Dos: 1 suntikan (1 vial + 1 ampoulse) setiap minggu untuk tempoh sebulan atau dua bulan (*bergantung pada metabolisme individu).

Produk tidak sesuai diambil: Ibu menyusu |Ibu mengandung | Sewaktu kitaran haid | Pesakit Jantung | Allergik sebarang vitamin

Jenis suntikan: IV atau IM (rekomen: IV Butterfly)
(: Bibir kering, lipstick tidak tahan lama, mengelupas, sensitif, gelap, tidak menarik?? Jangan bimbang, dengan lipstik rawatan De'Herbs, anda akan memiliki bibir seksi, mungil dan kemerah-merahan secara semula jadi :)

Sebagai penyeri warna bibir semulajadi mengikut suhu badan & darah
Melembapkan bibir yang kering & merekah
Sesuai juga untuk bibir yang gelap akibat merokok & faktor keturunan
Sesuai untuk kegunaan lelaki atau perempuan.
-simpan dalam suhu bilik-

D'Herbs Collagen Lipstick
Harga: RM25 + postage (selfcollect kwsn Bangi & Cyberjaya)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Kulit Sensitif? Berjerawat? Solekan Tak Tahan Lama? Wajah anda mungkin alah pada bedal solekan biasa, bedak telkum atau sunblock cecair. Berubahlah kepada pilihan yang lebih baik!
Ronasutra Mineral Powder kekal sehingga 16 jam. Diperbuat dari 100% tanah galian asli & bahan mineral terpilih untuk melindung, merawat & merapi wajah anda. Berfungsi sebagai
pelindung matahari, faundation serta bedak solekan. Bebas talkum, bahan sintetik, minyak, pengawet dan pewangi!

Alami Perbezaannya hari ini !

•Melindungi kulit dari sinar UV matahari, habuk, kotoran dan bakteria;
•Merawat & mengurangkan masalah jerawat & resdung, iritasi kulit disebabkan peeling, pori kulit yang besar serta kulit berminyak/kering;
•Sesuai untuk semua jenis kulit, umur & jantina;
•Boleh dipakai semasa waktu tidur tanpa mudarat;
•Merapi & menyerikan wajahdengan hanya satu sapuan. Tidak perlu guna faundation berasingan. Serbuk halus& lembut, tidak kelihatan bertepung. Tahan lama & menghalang kulit berminyak.
•Formula halal & suci serta bebas pewangi boleh dipakai pada waktu solat/haji;
•Tiada tarikh luput.

Tips untuk menggunakan mineral makeup ni. Kebanyakan daripada pengguna masih lagi tidak biasa dengan penggunaan mineral makeup. Takut kalau tersalah guna, akan mengakibatkan pembaziran & nampak kurang natural. Menggunakan mineral make up sepatutnya digunakan bersama brush iaitu KABUKI brush. Kabuki brush sangatt lembut, meratakan mineral powder (menutup pores dgn efektif) & menjimatkan penggunaan mineral powder. Tapi disebabkan harga KABUKI brush ni agak mahal, tak ramai yg nak melabur semataa-mata untuk brush. But brush is one of the important factor when using mineral makeup.

1.Sapukan moisturizer ke muka sebelum menggunakan mineral powder.
2.Goncangkan bekas powder yg bertutup dan gunakan brush/span.Tuangkan powder melalui lubang kecil bekas tu ke penutupnya.
3.Gunakan brush kecil(brush utk eyeshadow),untuk menutup cela atau parut dimuka anda. (Seperti guna concealer)
4.Kemudian tekan brush (foundation brush/brush besar)atau span pada bekas penutupdan tekan hujung brush/span pada setiap bahagian seperti tengah dahi, pipi kiri kanan, dagu & hidung.
5.Rata/Sapukan powder menggunakan brush secara sapuan bulatan(circular motion) sehingga semua powder pada muka anda telah kelihatan rata. Kalau menggunakan span, ratakan sapuan ke bawah.
6.Anda boleh mengulang langkah diatasutk mendapatkan kemasan yg anda ingini terutamanya di bahagian bawah mata atau seluruh muka dan leher.
7.Anda boleh juga menggunakan 2 jenis ton warnautk melakukan shading…bagi mendapatkan ton wajah serta bentuk wajah yg anda ingini :-

Contohnya, utk shading di bahagian pipi gunakan ton warna sedikit gelap dari ton yg digunakan pada base kulit anda. (shading gelap di tepi pipi utk efek muka sedikit tirus). Utk kulit cerah yg sgt pucat, selepas guna base 01 yg sesuai dgn warna kulit, boleh gunakan sedikit ton 02 atau 03 utk menambahkan sedikit warna kulit.

Selepas 20-30mins sapuan mineral powder, kulit anda akan kelihatan lebih natural kerana minyak muka anda telah sebati dgn mineral powder ini.

(Kulit Cerah Kemerahan)

(Kulit Cerah Kekuningan)

(Kulit Sederhana Kekuningan)

(Kulit Sederhana Kemerahan)

(Kulit Gelap)


Surah Al-Waqi'ah

Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w. : "Barang siapa yang membaca surah Al-Waqi'ah setiap malam maka dia tidak akan tertimpa kefakiran dan kemiskinan selamanya. Dan surah Al-Waqi'ah adalah surah kekayaan, maka bacalah ia dan ajarkan kepada anak-anakmu semua."

Doa Murah Rezeki

Doa ketika melihat diri dicermin..

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

GLUTAX 3G - UNBELIEVABLE PROMOTION @ RM280/box (RM250/box for more than 2 boxes)

(AGENT/RESELLER WANTED!! SMS 0168309171 for details)

Hasil yang lebih pantas, lebih kuat, lebih pemutihan!

Dicipta oleh pemenang nobel dalam kecantikan yang memenangi pelbagai anugerah di peringkat antarabangsa.
Ramuannya adalah kompleks dan tidak perlu berbelanja besar untuk membeli vitamin c, collagen, alpha lipoic acid dan glutathione secara berasingan. Kini, semuanya telah digabungkan ke dalam satu botol.

Kini kulit bebas dari jerawat, lebih cerah dan putih berseri boleh menjadi milik anda!

Jadi jangan tunggu lama, rasai dan lihat perbezaannya sendiri dalam masa 4 minggu..! Kulit lebih cerah, lebih muda, sempurna, licin dan putih.

Mempunyai kandungan glutathione yang tertinggi di pasaran. Perbezaan boleh dilihat selepas suntikan pertama*

*Hasilnya bergantung pada metabolisme individu

glutathione 3000mg
ascorbine acid (VitC) 1500mg
alpha lipoic acid 250mg
collagen extract 350mg

Packing :-
5 ampoules x 5 vials

1 suntikan (1 vial + 1 ampoulse) setiap minggu untuk tempoh sebulan atau dua bulan (*bergantung pada metabolisme individu). Seterusnya satu suntikan setiap 2 minggu untuk kesan yang berpanjangan.
Walaubagaimanapun dos penggunaan produk adalah bergantung kepada nasihat doktor mengikut individu

Produk tidak sesuai diambil:-
Ibu menyusu |Ibu mengandung | Sewaktu kitaran haid | Pesakit Jantung | Allergik sebarang vitamin

Jenis suntikan: IV atau IM (rekomen: IV Butterfly)